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Simple Tech Dictionary

A computer dictionary, often referred to as a technical lexicon or glossary, serves as an inclusive reference tool encompassing definitions, explanations of terms, acronyms, jargon, and concepts associated with computers, information technology (IT), and allied domains. Within such resources, one may encounter explanations of various terms, including:

App, Application, or Program

A software tool used to complete a specific task such as create a letter, browse the Internet, and calculate a math problem.

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An application/program used to access and view websites.

Central Processing Unit (

Stands for "Central Processing Unit." The CPU is the primary component of a computer that processes instructions. It runs the operating system and applications, constantly receiving input from the user or active software programs. It processes the data and produces output, which may stored by an application or displayed on the screen.

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Pressing and releasing the left (primary) mouse button. Can also be called left-clicking.  

Quickly press and release the primary (left) mouse button twice.


Scroll Wheel

  The center wheel/button on a mouse that performs a range of special page movement functions. 


Where we store and access data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive.    


A highlighted or bright (sometimes blinking) line or other mark that shows where information is being input; that is, where the next letter or character will appear. 


"Factory setting" for any given option in a software program or operating system.  


Defragmentation is the process of consolidating fragmented files on the user's hard drive. The process of defragmentation moves the data blocks on the hard drive around to bring all the parts of a file together.


To download data or software means to transfer it to your computer or phone from another device or from the internet.  


Points the mouse at an icon or folder, presses the button and without releasing the button, moves the icon or folder to another place on the computer where the button is released.  


Private messages, called electronic mail, that are sent and received over a computer network.

Your “digital address” or where people can send you mail on the internet.


An external hard drive is a storage device located outside of a computer that is connected through a USB cable or wireless connection. An external hard drive is usually used to store media that a user needs to be portable, for backups, and when the internal drive of the computer is already at its full memory capacity. These devices have a high storage capacity compared to flash drives and are mostly used for backing up numerous computer files or serving as a network drive to store shared content. .


Directory that includes all Files and Folders

A piece of computer information-document, spreadsheet, music, video, etc.

Just like a file folder in a filing cabinet, a file is where documents (letters, spreadsheets, etc.) are kept.


In metal typesetting, a font is a particular size, weight and style of a typeface. Each font is a matched set of type, with a piece for each glyph. A typeface consists of various fonts that share an overall design.



Changing the way that text, graphics, tables and other elements looks on the page.  



Located inside your computer; location where you store data including the operating system.  



The physical equipment of the computer system that you can see and touch.


Click and drag across a word or sentence to highlight it. When it is highlighted you can make changes to it.  


Position the mouse pointer over top of an icon without clicking the icon. 


A small picture used to represent a file or program.  


Whenever you enter data into your computer, it is referred to as input. This can be text typed in a word processing document, music, video etc.

The computer parts or device which are used to give data and instruction into the computer system are called input devices.     


The internet is a worldwide network connecting millions of computers and devices. It allows users to communicate, share information, and access resources through standardized protocols. It plays a crucial role in modern communication, commerce, education, and entertainment by enabling global connectivity and the exchange of data across diverse platforms and services.


Short for “hyperlink”--object or string of text that allows you to "jump" to a new location. Usually it is in blue color or you change the color.  


A list of operations available to the user of a program. Menus can be accessed a variety of ways, including both left and right click.  


The physical equipment of the computer system that you can see and touch.


The physical equipment of the computer system that you can see and touch.


The physical equipment of the computer system that you can see and touch.


The physical equipment of the computer system that you can see and touch.


The physical equipment of the computer system that you can see and touch.


The physical equipment of the computer system that you can see and touch.


The physical equipment of the computer system that you can see and touch.


The physical equipment of the computer system that you can see and touch.

gurukulinfotech 10 June 2024
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